



先祖が私たちを見守っているかもしれませんが, they are usually not our spirit guide. Guides have the role of guiding us through our life’s lessons. We chose them before we came down, due to their expertise on the lessons we need to do. Unlike for the ancestors, the guides must remain unbiased no matter how hard our life/choices get. Often, 彼らは私たちに厳しい愛を示す必要があります.

母親/父親が子供に教えるとき, sometimes it’s easier for them to just do it for them. しかしながら, それが行われた場合, the child will never learn. So great patience and strength is required to just assist in their learning. Spirit guides goes through the similar challenges.

Our guides can see far more than us about ourselves and our future. しかしながら, our life is always ours and they need to let us be the driver. 時には, 私たちは私たちを傷つけるかもしれない決定をするかもしれません, but our spirit guides cannot take the power of choice from us. They will try and let us know that we shouldn’t go that way, しかし、私たちが固執する場合, they have to watch us get hurt. 時には, 私たちが行う選択は私たちの人生を短くすることができます, or make us go through enormous pain. Nevertheless, ガイドはそれが起こるのを止めることはできません, if we chose to go that way. To a loving soul, これは非常に挑戦的です, and they too are tested to demonstrate great strength and resilience. Spirit guides are also evolving, 彼らの魂の道で.

私たちには自分の人生について決める力がありますが, there is exception. This is when our decision/action moves us away from the lessons we signed up to do this life time. For this, the spirit guides will enforce their power over our own to align us. When there are many chances, 彼らは私たちをしばらく走らせます, but it will always catch up with us. With the lesson we must do, 彼らは私たちに最初に最も簡単な状況を与えます, to do those lesson. So, it is always recommended to not run but to try and face it. If you choose to avoid it, the next best situation will be aligned to us and it continues. If we run till the end, 最も困難な状況でレッスンを行うことになる可能性があります.

スピリットガイドはしばしば非常に役立ち、レッスンを終了するためのヒントを失うことを私たちに提供します, 最善の行動方針についてアドバイスを提供する.

ガイドとのコミュニケーションについてサポートが必要な場合, please contact us チャネリングセッション用.