
– 形而上学の実用化 –

特にここ数年は、多くの困難な課題がありました: パンデミック, 戦争, 不況, 自然災害など. このような時期に, 個人だけでなく集合的な負の属性とエネルギーが表面化し、私たちの環境を飽和させる可能性があります, 自分の弱さに屈しやすくなる. しかしながら, it is during this tough time that our Guides assess us for our true level. They do so to map out our future challenges and experiences in a bigger scale. We are in a soul grading period. Hence reviewing our performance and standard becomes extra important. Our future depends on our performance now.

Weakness comes in many forms. For some, they stop making effort or avoid facing challenges that come their way. For others, they may over indulge themselves or even become selfish. Whatever it is, we need to be clear on our tendencies and weaknesses and monitor them closely. When we go through a prolonged period of challenges, 私たちは逆にそれを補いたい, but it is important to ensure that we stay within what our Guide approves. If we go overboard, we must pull back to balance ourselves and align to the path we are supposed to be on.

Difficult time will not last forever. Whatever the challenge we face, レッスンを完全に完了し、できることを学んだ後, that same lesson will not repeat. The only time that it will, 少なくとも一部が完了していないか、パフォーマンスが境界線にあり、二重チェックが必要だった場合.