
– 形而上学の実用化 –

私たち人間は複雑です. 私たちはよく一つのことを考えたり言ったりします, その背後には他の意図が複数混在している可能性がありますが、. 例えば, one may be generous towards others but there may be a subtle hope that it may lead to certain benefit down the line or it may even come from deep-seated inferiority complex. Some can be so subtle that we do not even realise unless we dig deep and analyse from neutral perspective.

代わりに, 汚れた洗濯物を周囲に公開する人もいます, 相手を議論に駆り立てる唯一の方法であると表明する, in the name of mending their relationship. しかしながら, 彼らは下心がないことを確信できますか, 彼らは自分たちの側で世界に影響を与えるために、最初に自分たちの側の話をしたかっただけのように?

私たちの何人かは、自分が特定の方法で行動した理由について、正当な理由を思いつくのが得意です, even when it is just an excuse. Whilst we may be convincing to others and at times even to ourselves, それは私たちのガイドとどのように比較されますか?

ガイドは私たちが行うすべてのことを見ることができます, even the subtle thoughts that quickly crosses our mind and those that are very deeply inside us that we do not even recognise their existence. They will pick up all deviations of our intent. It is their assessment of us which is used to adjust the map of our life, 私たちのレッスン, そしてこれからの課題, rather than what we believe or what others believes about us. Whether others end up benefiting from our behaviour, does not matter. Our guides are just assessing our behaviour, 思考, と感情.

ガイドは、調査結果に従って今後のイベントを割り当てます, to guide us to shift our behaviour. When subtle signs or experiences are not enough, they will throw in those that are more unpleasant as a wakeup call. Therefore, より効率的に前進し、将来の経験をよりコントロールできるようにするには、私たちの本当の感情と意図についてより深く理解することが重要です.

人間として, at times we just want to blind ourselves and not focus into all the intents we have. しかしながら, being soft on ourselves now can make us repeat the uncomfortable experiences. The sooner we alert ourselves of our full intent, その分痛みは少なくなります.

ずれが見つかった場合, we do not need to beat ourselves up. We just acknowledge its existence, そう感じる自分を受け入れる, 手放す, then change our behaviour. This is easier said than done, but our life is worth our patience and effort. If something cannot be cleared on our own, consult professionals on this. Our Guide will always provide hints and directions for those that are sincere and wanting to advance.