Channel for Selfへ……. か否か?

– 形而上学の実用化 –


自分自身のために情報を伝えることは必ずしも容易ではありません, when we strongly wish for certain answer. To do the channeling well, we have to be unbiased and aligned. しかしながら, 願いが強いとき, it can be very difficult to maintain this alignment. If we are not careful, we can end up making our Guides say things in our head rather than to truly hear what they say. Our fear at times can get in our way of accurate channeling. For this reason, some professionals choose not to do any channeling for themselves. It is very similar to physicians not doing operation for their family members. Due to emotional strain and fear, 彼らのパフォーマンスの質を維持するのはずっと難しくなるだろう.

So, 何が推奨されますか?

There is no right or wrong answer here. The choice comes down to how much work we are willing to put in to it.

他の人にチャネリングできる場合, there is no reason why we cannot for ourselves. Sure, それはより困難で消耗するでしょう, でも私たちの決意が強いなら, we will get there. We just have to continue to practice and build our mental/emotional strength.

自分自身を強化するための迅速な解決策はありません, でも, there are tools that we can use to support the accuracy. Use tools such as pendulums, Tarot cards and so forth to set up many methods of checking the answer to ensure that we will know when we derail in our channeling. Also, 事前にアライメント瞑想の追加準備をしてください, 質問が挑戦的なものになるとき.