Collecting the Small Treasures

–   Practical Application of Metaphysical   –  


Life on earth can be very tough at times, so it is easy for us to forget about the positive aspects of a life on earth.  When we return to the spirit world, we often miss some of the beautiful experiences from earth.  These things aren’t any luxury experiences or anything out of ordinary, but it’s often just a simple happiness from day to day.

One rabbit soul that was very close to me once said to me that, she missed the salty breeze on her face and the feel of a grassed lawn under her feet.  She was recalling her experience roaming in a backyard of a house near a salt water pool.  It wasn’t anything special and she only experienced it once when she visited the home to recover from her sickness, but it left a beautiful memory in her soul.

Rather than to look for the special experiences, why not search for the happiness in a small day to day activities?

Some of the things that I came across to be called memorable by the spirits are:

  • Warm bath on a cold Winter night.
  • Cuddles from the loved ones.
  • Eating.
  • Gentle breeze.
  • Cool air in the forest.
  • Warm sun on the skin.
  • Sharing time with close friends.
  • Laughing with the friends and loved ones.
  • Warmth felt, watching the children play.
  • Listening to the birds singing outside the window.


We often take grant of everyday small happiness like these, and think very little of its values when we are on earth.  However, these are the things that we end up taking with us, being stored in our soul.

What was your happy moments you had yesterday?  What are you going to experience today?  Enjoy your experience and collect many treasures, from your life on earth.