Healing vs Channelling

– Practical Application of Metaphysical –

To heal or not to heal….

It is best to receive both healing as well as channelling, in enabling higher performance.  However, sometimes we do not have such luxury during financially challenging time.  In this case, which shall we choose?

Technically, healing session normally involves channelling for energy, as well as information.  However, the term “Channelling” is loosely used here to mean questioning to our Guide/s: seeking answers to whatever questions we have.

With this in mind, when it comes to choosing one, many seem to choose channelling over healing.  This is understandable, as people need clarity in situations they face, especially when it involves decision making.  Also, as sentient beings, uncertainty will often trigger doubts and worry which can slows us down.

Yet this is often not what their Guides recommend.

This is because when our frequency is higher, we move through life more efficiently.   To phrase it simply, we can access our abilities better, and we can attract more smooth flow at higher frequency.   The situation which we face, where channelling is required may not even exist in our life at higher frequency.  Hence if we must choose only one, it will more likely be healing.

Having said that, this does not undermine channelling, and we cannot ignore the benefit we receive from it.  Some at times require verbal healing through channelling, over other types of healing.  In a case where a person is good at maintaining high frequency naturally, their Guide may advise that channelling is more needed for this individual.

The verdict?

When uncertain, just aim to balance it over a given period, prioritising healing of at least two thirds vs one third of channelling.