Mental Clean-Up Part 2

–   Practical Application of Metaphysical   –  

In the part 1 of the Mental Clean-Up, we covered one method of de-cluttering our brain to free up more space in our mind.  Now, let’s get into more details about what to do with certain repetitive thoughts.

If the repetitive thought is certain To Dos, it maybe something we are avoiding or pushing back.  In which case, brainstorm on the reason, action plan, then set it in your schedule to remove it for good.  As soon as we realise it’s lined up in our schedule, these thoughts should not cross our mind anymore.  If it still does, there is other reason for it, so dig deep by brainstorming again.  There could be added worries that is not dealt with which requires attention.

If the repetitive thought is a painful emotion/experience from the past, then release using the mental clean-up process again, this time digging deeper on this topic.  In addition to releasing our thoughts and emotions on it, brainstorm also on why we are struggling to come to terms with it.  Once again, do not dress it up.

If there are negative emotions written towards others, acknowledge it and accept how we truly feel.  However, we have to eventually come to the understanding that what we experienced were for our learning and advancement.  There is nothing personal when it comes to study partnership between a soul of the victim and their perpetrator.  If it wasn’t that particular perpetrator, we would have been given another for this experience.  Do not wish/action anything negative towards others, as that will not achieve anything positive.  If to accept this understanding is a struggle, delve deeper on the demerit of carrying this negative emotion and positives in releasing it.  The aim here is to avoid the secondary damage.

To note, when writing negative emotions to release, always finish this by doing energy cleansing for ourselves and our environment.  For those that are unfamiliar with energy work, doing exercises or having calming bath with salt and lavender essential oil will also help. For the room energy cleansing, lavender or sage essential oil on a burner/diffuser will also be effective.

Another type of repetitive thoughts can come from our guides, giving us messages.  Usually with messages, once we are made aware of it, it should stop crossing our mind.  If not, there could be more meanings that we have missed initially.  In which case, do/book a channelling or dig deeper into your thoughts for another angle.